This website uses its own and third-party cookies to offer you a better experience and service. By browsing or using our services you accept our use of cookies. However, you have the option of preventing the generation of cookies and their elimination by selecting the corresponding option in your Browser. If you block the use of cookies in your browser, some services or functionalities of the Web page may not be available.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are a tool used by Web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors. It is a unique identifier in the form of a text file that is sent to the user’s device to record information, thus improving the quality and security of the web page. They have an expiration date from which they cease to be operational.

Use of cookies on my website

We use cookies to facilitate web browsing and to obtain greater efficiency and personalization of the services we offer you. The cookies used are only associated with an anonymous User and his device, they do not provide references that allow obtaining his personal data or include viruses in it. Nor can the cookies placed on your device be read from other servers. The information that we analyze using cookies is the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, browser type and version, operating system and platform used for the connection, and the date and time of said activity. .

Cookies used

We use permanent cookies that are stored on the user’s device and that allow browsing information to be retrieved on the next visit. They have an expiration date. These cookies allow us to personalize your visits, through your preferences (for example, country and language).

We also use third-party cookies that allow us to manage and improve the services offered. For example, the statistical services of Google Analytics.